
Ditto. The rest of the commenters pretty effectively rip the substance of this list to shreds, but spittle-flecked polemic can be warranted sometimes too. And this list definitely warrants it.

Thank-you! This drives me up the wall. Batman is not an antihero; he's a hero. Leopold Bloom is an antihero. Holden Caulfield is an antihero. Willie Loman is an antihero. Walter White is, as you say, a villain. If BB has an antihero, it is, arguably, Jesse or Skye.

Because Jesus is the second Adam (or, more accurately, the anti-Adam). Just as Adam was immortal in the Garden, but sinned and brought death into the world, so Jesus then accepts death and overcomes it through the resurrection, thereby giving the faithful a way out of the fate Adam had condemned them to. The key point

Carry On Rebelling!

I still don't understand why he looks like David Niven. Is that an easter egg I'm missing?

Yeah. Wanting to find out about a previously unknown child of yours is not being "baby crazy". By that measure, any guy who later found out he had a child somewhere and wanted to know more is "baby crazy".

Dammit. Claire Foy was great in Going Postal. I was hoping she'd found something good to be in - and with Richard Coyle again, too.

Ceaușescu's Romania might work as a nightmarish origin, and you could play with the Dracula lore from that area. The Yugoslav war is too recent.

I'm not a fan either. It really bugs me that torching an incredibly valuable library is treated as a throw-away detail.

Does anyone else think Fred is the killer and is telling Stan the truth: he hasn't actually betrayed his country? He was the one who pointed them towards the faulty plans, after all.

I'm on the same page. I'm just not interested in the Vice angle. The
last few episodes, which have been much closer to espionage intrigue, have been by far the best, IMO.

Yeah. I've put that down to them spending most of their lives in Canada, though. I've known people who've spent their teenage years in places with very different accents than they originally had. Even if they try to hang on to their way of speaking, it still ends up slightly off.

Yeah. Her German accent's painful as well. I suspect the producers don't know what actual German (or Ukrainian) sounds like and just assume the fact that Maslany can speak the language means she can speak it authentically.

No. The POV is right at the edge of the table. The whole point is that the placing is too low for someone sitting there.

Another really great article. Nitpick: in the second image, Tywin's eyes are a bit lower, at 6 inches, which corresponds to the audience's POV being a bit higher over the table.

IIRC, he left because they didn't have a clear idea of what they were going to do with the character. They hadn't written the entire series when he went. Him going was more of a symptom than a cause, it seems.

My main problem with your argument was your attribution of your declining interest to his illness. I conceded that his very recent books (UA and Snuff - I've not read this one yet) were weaker. I just think that's in part because he's never been consistently strong and the rarity of the books now makes the weak ones

Well, Muppet Babies didn't have a scene where a village mob burns an old woman out of her home and leaves her to die in the snow. The complexity of the prose might be YA, but the subjects are anything other than childish.