
You should definitely watch Elementary. I like the BBC's Moriarity precisely because it is so much fun, but Elementary's definitely has more long-term potential. Whether they can actually develop that will depend on how available Natalie Dormer is, of course.

It's a pretty great show, and Lucy Liu is very good in it.

I dunno. I'm suspicious of biopics because they always distort so much, while claiming the authority of being a 'true story'. I'm more sympathetic to a fictionalized story that works by analogy. And the idea of Sievey's bio being hidden behind the mask of a fictional one is pretty appropriate, too.

Me too. Even if it doesn't quite succeed, it'll at least be an interesting failure, and that's more worth seeing than most movies.

Ditto, but there have been other, more positive reviews.

Ditto. The proposal episode was actually spoiled for me because of how disastrous they were to Jerry. I really didn't want Ben and Leslie to be happy right then. They didn't deserve it.

Yes. It all makes the headline to this 'review' that much more egregious. FWIW, German media have noticed how negatively the American reviewers have reacted, including here: http://www.spiegel.de/kultu…

Although there is the scene where (spoilers!) the younger brother comes up with the idea to use the Polish civilians as human minesweepers. He does that on his own initiative.

Some of the French Resistance were monarchists, and the Stauffenberg people were largely conservatives as well.

Not that I remember, although I think it can be assumed for at least one, female character. There are Nazis depicted, of course, both ideological and careerist, but the thrust of the series is how almost everyone is corrupted by Nazism, not 'just' the people who sign up enthusiastically. One character betrays a Jewish

It's really great, but watch past the pilot, which has significant weaknesses.

Yeah, although I recently rewatched the pilot and was surprised at how rickety it is: the whole defection plot, the rape backstory, having her fall in love with him because he proves how strong he is. It's pretty laughable. But it got great pretty much immediately after that.

FWIW, I've seen the series and completely concur with D-R-C., including his recommendation of the review over at The Dissolve. This review here is completely off-base.

Yeah. I don't recognize the series from this review at all. It's not about ideological Nazis, but it makes no bones about the fact that its characters are guilty of various atrocities. It's not exculpatory at all, unless you think that the only possible acceptable depiction of Nazi Germany is as everyone as

Yeah. I'm increasingly thinking last year's weak season had little to do with Harmon's absence and more that the concept is played out.

Yep. Pretty much this. People don't associate a successful comedy with the story, which might lend itself to a sequel, but with the comedian, who they'll follow into any another funny story.

One of whom they had before Bill and Virginia met and was about the same age as, and became friends with, Virginia's son.

I got that when it came out and played it to death. Amazing cover! Love how they point out how creepy the original was.

I love IC too, but it ranks way above Burn After Reading. Haven't seen Ladykillers, though.