Dr Regina Phalange

So my maths teacher today used menstruation to help us understand trigonometry graphs.
No joke. 
When asked what she did when she was teaching at a co-ed school, she remarked that she used the same analogy, as this got them to stop talking and actually listen.


1. After breakfast and according to my orthodontist and dentist uncle, yes it is necessary to brush before bed.

12. By like a few months. But still 12.



It's really funny seeing press for the Pretty Little Liars spin-off called "Ravenswood".
Why? Because (no joke) that is the name of my school.
So when I open up articles, I expect to be reading stuff about education, international exchange programs and buildings and instead they're talking about eerie towns, funerals

This makes me extremely sad.
I remember the days where no matter what the time was, someone would be in the room.

I'm with you on that. Despite being a Liberal backer, I'm not part of Abbott's faction. Thankfully the small-l Liberals (socially progressive, economically conservative) keep him in line. What's great is that surveys have shown that more people my age are going to be this sort of Liberals, so his views aren't being

Most scripted Australian TV is crap.

You know what the funny thing is? 51% of women would vote for Tony Abbott.

Now, I haven't seen Farscape, and only recently I found out that it is an Australian show. I don't know whether that makes me a bad Australian, but considering most people haven't heard of it, I think I'm in the clear.

Depending on one's perception on the show, Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife.
I'd also argue that her development not only can derail the show, but also impairs/takes priority over the development of supporting characters.

General Ignorance for the win.

It's great comic relief: We'll show them shots of people seeing Sherlock and discovering that he's not dead …. then MOUSTACHE!

Despite the "ominous" tone of the trailer, at the moustache reveal I completely lost it.
It looked better in set photos. Why? 
Because they were shot from a very far away distance.

I am most certainly up for Banning Patrol: Round 2.

I can't actually remember, but I'm pretty certain it was something with Jenna.

More TV Taste Tales from my family: