
It obviously has something to do with Damon Salvatore

Not disputing that. Not sure why people are responding as if I said Trump had been a good guy before or something

I doubt many people would have called Trump the worst person in the world at the time of their marriage.

Is "Fuck College Period" "Fuck College"'s slightly bloodier satellite campus?

Yea I was thinking more of them telling the kids, which I don't think they would do. I could definitely see them telling Kevin though haha

I just finished the episode. I think you may have misinterpreted that discussion.

That's messed up but also kind of hilarious.

It's pretty clear Laurie though Nora was killing herself. But either way, do you really think Nora or Matt would decide to tell people she committed suicide? That doesn't seem in character for either of them

I'm confused, are Nora and Matt her children?

Just wanted to point out that lots of people with loving kids commit suicide.

The showrunners actually said one of their regrets with the shorter season was that they wouldn't get to give the kids as much of a role as they wanted to


Lovely summary

Lol the first episode of Scandal starts out mid shark jump

Also she asks "which husband" when Kevin Sr. asks if her husband told her where they were

Could have just been typical Nora-style trolling

While I disagree with Elle's opinion that this development was bad writing, it's pretty ridiculous to suggest one has to personally be able to write better than someone else to be able to criticize that person's writing.

You can be in understandable pain and still be terrible. Nora was pretty terrible for the majority of this episode. And has been lots of other times too. Still love her though

Not sure why everyone is interpreting that comment as the reviewer not knowing Meg was dead. This is the fucking Leftovers people, being dead doesn't mean shit.

"1. Nora will know for pretty damn sure that this was a suicide and have to either live with that or decide to share with Laurie's ex-husband, children, new husband, and step-kid."