
It's obviously Susan you guys. It really could not be more clear

Which is why Tom suggested making it take place on another earth in the multiverse, much like Supergirl

All electric powered black people aren't related!

Your comment made me realize we need some more black girls over on AoS. Whatever happened to Akeia?

I can answer B for you: No.

That would actually be kinda nice

Or they will all be destroyed like the time turners

Because we have to meet the writers at their level.

It's a decent episode, although I wasn't crazy about the ending. King Shark doesn't really do anything though. But there's lots of Snart so

I've always been so angry that Barry never takes the time to actually train in anything other than running faster. Imagine how much more effective he would be if he actually knew martial arts. So a part of me was pleasantly surprised, but I'm also annoyed because Barry has never demonstrated this before, even though

Nope. As much as I love Patty, she is better off far far away from these people.

I've been saying it since last episode. He is absolutely killing it. Such a shame the story around the performance isn't better

How does Savitar even know how to open rifts anyway? Did they establish that already and I just missed it?

I think it was more that she thought about it and realized she couldn't stomach dooming an innocent girl to die because of Barry's stupidity. I mean based on what's been happening between her and John lately, if he ever found out that would pretty much be instant divorce.

Would be funny if the power dampener isn't active inside the cell, but Barry figured he couldn't so didn't bother to try using his powers

I get that you're annoyed, but I hope you're not surprised.

I still think Wentworth has the perfect balance. The guy who played Kadabra a few episodes back was a great example of NOT finding the right balance

Most shocking part of this episode is that Barry actually knows how to fight well enough to take out two trained ARGUS security guards without his powers.

Felt the same way, the whole point was NEITHER of them could know. That being said, sometimes you just gotta lie and say it wasn't their fault, even if it was, just so that you don't lose them to their own self pity. So I think Cisco did the right thing

Damn, never thought of that