
Ahhhh, okay I get what you meant now. Yea I think you're right

That theory sounds…pretty badass. I'd read that fanfic.

Not according to her books it's not!!

*literal genie cackles maniacally*

Those Cormoran Strike books are pretty neat

The ending tag of season 6 is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I never got the impression (from the text itself, haven't paid much attention to her extra-textual comments) that Rowling was trying to absolve Snape of all his sins, just show that things with him weren't as black and white as Harry thought. Although, Harry himself seems to have taken that entirely too far, which is

I still love Harry's inner rebuttal though. "But I'm 15 and I don't do that shit."

Hahahahahaha! Ah geez. Yes there is absolutely no denying the fact that James was a collossal asshole to Snape when they were in school. But the idea that James comes out no better than Snape when all James did was bully some kid his own age (not that that isn't terrible) while Snape became a Death Eater, emotionally

It's like in Avatar.

I mean, those flashbacks to him and Gellert weren't exactly subtle.

Well, I'm sure that's what he told himself at any rate

Pretty sure @avclub-17ffa8fad012a66eba508715ad0fec7a:disqus meant romantic love

No matter how much of a "good man" Snape was (and I do feel for him and his story), he was still needlessly and excessively abusive towards Harry (and every other non-Slytherin) in ways that caused a lot of issues. So I can't say I was too choked up over his death.

Haha right? It's not like she's written a bunch of other new books since then

I mean, I kind of roll my eyes whenever I see a new "JK Rowling said" article, but it doesn't really matter either way

What if in the special edition she only does one of those things?

Expressing dislike is one thing. Wishing that something that has brought joy to millions of others never existed is just being an asshole.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, ah man that last sentence. Thanks, I needed that.

Haha, ah man