
I never got the impression it wasn't supposed to be understandable (for the audience)

By Riverdale standards or?

"In an amazing way"

Yea I've understood every other time he's blown up at Betty, but this time it was a little forced.

"Archie, if this is a booty call…just make it quick."

No. Hell no.

It's funny cuz he's playing pretty much the exact same character. Also, are they really doing a second season of that show?

Pharrell has written and performed far rapier (sp?) stuff with no backlash


Ah ok thanks

Basically he was pathetic and weak about it.

I actually thought she was going to create a real version of the framework but in another dimension

It's pretty easy actually. Keep in mind AIDA already made a bunch of LMDs with ostensibly the same minds as their human counterparts (in May's case at least). So we already know brain scans can be copied. The only question is whether a copy like that could be uploaded to an actual flesh and blood body.

Cap 1 didn't establish that

While I do prefer the more nuanced approach to the whole "Are Hydra Nazi's?" thing, at the very least it's not wrong to say that Hydra in its current form was founded by a Nazi. Because the Red Skull was a Nazi and he founded the modern version of Hydra, which I had always interpreted as being distinct from the

Yea I had thought the same thing about her and Ophelia. If nothing else, I love how quickly this show debunks wrong theories

A sequel to Manos: The Hands of Fate?

Can you blame him?


But The Hand is evil!