
What door?

Minus the dick

The thought crossed my mind. He doesn't quite have a big bad aura, but some fleshing out could easily fix that

Damn, this is really upsetting to you huh?

"The Russian financier and occasional submarine captain doesn’t exude quite the danger of villains past, probably because despite an appropriately menacing entrance that turns into a vodka swilling and onion sniffing moment, he’s just not much more than a rich tough guy. Hell, we even watch as Radcliffe gains the

Thanks, it's fixed now.

Haha good point

Yea, I'm not proud of this but I don't think I even managed to finish the first issue


Man there are so many, but I'd love to see an animated version of the New X-Men: Academy X/Young X-Men storyline. So many of those new young mutants had awesome potential but are so underutilized lately (as tends to happen with new X-Men characters).

"(or soy or TVP, whatever)"

I doubt this arc is doing much damage to the mainstream perception of Cap. To the vast majority of people movie Cap is Cap. Purely anecdotal but I know tons of people who are avid fans of the Marvel films but have no idea about this Hydra Cap storyline in the comics.

TPB all day

"Indeed, when Parker finally returns, he looks at what Ock has done as him and whilst the flaws are obvious, also recognizes that Ock showed a vision and an ambition that Peter lacked. And he changed his life because of that."

I dunno I feel like they're gonna go the Spidey route and have both Tony and Riri around. They even have different (superhero) names so that makes it easier. They've already (sorta) done it with Thor, since I assume the Odinson is still around.

I read the first issue and it did actually seem pretty interesting and well thought out, and made the Inhumans at least a little more sympathetic.

I'm just waiting for that America Chavez comic. Found out about it a couple days ago and I am hyped

"with the added benefit of a popular X-man being killed off-panel and being described as the next Hitler."

I'd say the easy answer is that if a particular comic hits too close to home, there are hundreds out there that can probably fit your need for escapism. Even from the same company.

Well hey, at least we'll have a Captain Marvel that truly captures the spirit of the character next year, if the MCUs track record is anything to go by.