

It just occurred to me that Connor is basically a more serious take on Buster Bluth, what with his constant search for a mother (and father) figure

It just occurred to me that Connor is basically a more serious take on Buster Bluth, what with his constant search for a mother (and father) figure

As long as some of the usual suspects return for this, I am down. Whatever it takes to get more Step Up.

Those two times he did it by accident though. So basically, don't change the timeline on purpose.

Also it seems that the Alchemy voice we've been hearing is actually Savitar's

As far as this show goes, losing his job is a HUGE consequence, compared to every other consequence he's faced for his actions before. Read: none

Yup it's really an annoyingly lazy setup. I will admit though, I liked what they did with her struggle this episode. But I dunno, maybe they will reveal something later on that helps explain this.

Not even close

This episode was surprisingly great. Although I'm worried about Savitar as a main villain. He just seems really corny.

Because she has a bit of a thing for him, as evidenced by her "It's okay if you look, you deserve it" speech from season 1.

I must admit, not where I saw this comment going

"Then, when it’s his turn, King jumps up and, looming over the younger man like an incoming tsunami, reels off a cascade of rhythmic abuse that scarcely leaves enough of him to bury."

"Then, when it’s his turn, King jumps up and, looming over the younger man like an incoming tsunami, reels off a cascade of rhythmic abuse that scarcely leaves enough of him to bury."

Sulfur? More like methane amirite?

In 1999 this would have been a "Programming your VCR" joke

Papyrus ftw!

Exactly. They should be masturbating to hentai like normal people!

Well the discussion wasn't about the inherent creepiness (or lack thereof) in the current situation, but the potential creepiness of a romantic pairing between the two.

All news is fake because it's based on our perception of reality which is itself, at best, a vague approximation of the physical world designed to simply prompt us to take the actions which best ensure we are able to pass our genes along; and at worst, a construct born entirely of ourmy own mind.