Well that was a blatant lie anyway
Well that was a blatant lie anyway
This I can agree with. And as dumb as some of the stuff in Season 4 was, I will never forgive season 3 for taking away one of the show's greatest characters and basing this whole mystery around it, only for the reveal to be as monumentally idiotic as whatever the hell Malcolm's plan was.
Curtis' comedic peak was last week when he said "Actually it was because we thought you'd kill us if you didn't. …Too soon?"
Well we can give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he "successfully" made it to the top at least.
Other than it being shaped like a "T"?
Legit question: Has there been any change in writing staff this year?
Pretty sure it's makeup.
Yea, that's true for a lot of things these days.
It would be insane if Arrow manages to deliver a more satisfying take on this than DD S2
And his main political opponent was a far more experience female politician with a controversial but influential husband…
Would be a nice echo of her character as I remember it from YJ.
Why would they do this reveal after letting her rock that red dress???
LMAO!!! Did you make this? Why have I never seen it? Why does it have so few views?
Even if that wasn't the case, if I was him I'd do all kind of socially unacceptable shit and then when someone called me out I'd be like "Wait, is this not okay on your earth?"
"What's wrong with that??" - Barry Allen
Now kiss!
Well they tried…
Church served his role well. A fodder level villain to give the recruits time to get used to this hero shit, while the real big bad bides his time.
That's because it was actually about coming out, and not just a thinly veiled metaphor for it.
She's also fairly attractive