Much loved character from canc

No supernatural stuff ever happens with more than one person in the room, the apple incident excluded.

They made that movie. It's called An American Haunting. The need for excessive explanation destroys the pre-modern unspeakable fear of the Weird, which is what this movie is able to recapture.

I'm thinking Chuck is the Hank of the series. Somewhere along the way, Chuck gets caught up in something and dies and Jimmy/Saul/Gene never quite forgives himself no matter how antagonistic they were a minute before.

I also like the "2nd best lawyer" because Kim meant it as gentle joke between them, but I'm sure to Jimmy "2nd best" reminds him of Chuck.

Also the glare he gave the camera through the metronome. I thought he was going to come out of the screen and kill me.

Birdman is the closest you are going to get. To either of those things.

oh definitely. I was limiting it to examples of the trope done for comedy.

I agree it was well done. Especially Gurira.

Well for the record, I didn't say you should be fired. I just said other people had. But they were joking too.

Honestly Mike you come across as a little defensive.

I agree with all of this except that Furiosa does have an arc. Hers is about hope moving to disappointment to reality. His is about hopelessness moving through reality to hope. But I agree that his arc is at least as much the emotional center of the movie as hers if not more. But I wouldn't mind seeing a movie

When I was six I told my mildly autistic brother who was 5 that I was from Jupiter. We kept that "game" up for like a year or so. Fast forward to when I was ten and he was nine and he mentions that I'm from jupiter and I tell him "you know that was just a game right?"

I even have an assmonocle!

They've been talking about you in these comments. Apparently D'Angelo doesn't know who you are. The consensus was to fire him and keep you.

Hardy's most important line is Max's guttural hum, and he does it well.

I don't like your tone, young man.

Nick turns to Jesus for advice on planning their first date.

well sure, simpsons and south park did it too. But in all three, it was the A story. Here it was more of a just a background joke.

He's not a psychopath. He doesn't kill just because its the easiest thing to do. He will kill, but they've got be just a tiny bit more of a danger to him or his.