Much loved character from canc

This one starts with it! We haven't even got to the incest yet.

those blue states don't have any number at all. I knew democrats were perverts!

Liked for the Trump comparison. I don't think AHX is overblown. It's a look into a subculture that really exists. Maybe I'm not sure what you mean.

A book of medieval Islamic love poetry.

To outline my original posts, my points were

Well those obviously aren't the cases I was talking about when I said "When there is no firm evidence either way."

What you want is pretty much anything Nicole Wallace has to say on the subject, plus of course the stories in "Game change."

oooh. do it like a rocketship.

Well, we're both arguing without evidence. Me because I'm lazy and you because you'd never be able to prove that every single person who took down an interview had malice in their heart. I contend that there were many genuine people who out of fear that something had happened, inadvertently led a child down a

1996 called and it wants its "19xx called" joke back.

It was back in 2006, before Marah worked for AVC. Plus, they didn't start doing WOT until 2011.

Idiots like Underwager — who to be clear was a founding member but not "the founder" — aside, the FMSF does go too far but the problem of suggestibility within recovered memories is nonetheless a real one.

No, sorry, many of them were well-meaning. Not all of them.

If you study witch trial documents — not just Salem but the ealier ones across Europe — you find a very fascinating similarity between the child testimonies of that time and the child testimonies of the 1980s moral panic. In both cases, you can easily imagine adults filling in the gaps with their own perceived

"well-meaning police officers, psychologists, and parents inadvertently
planted false memories in kids, who then came to believe they they’d
genuinely experienced those horrific events."

The wolfenstein site is pretty cool. The age-gate is a little hilarious though. Like anyone under 18 is going to care about (or be scandalized by) early 90s violence.

There are definitely a group of people who seem intent on giving them shit about it. Maybe it's like the old line about homophobes and those people are really just repressed furries.

Purely guessing, it's much easier to share art online than it used to be. Fursuits still only work in person.