That wedding night is extra creepy if you are listening to the audiobook. There's something about hearing an old man say "put a baby in me" over and over
That wedding night is extra creepy if you are listening to the audiobook. There's something about hearing an old man say "put a baby in me" over and over
We are all of us, newbies tonight my friends
Anyway this won't be crap?
He lives off the hatred of idiots
Sweet. I have been waiting for the war between the avclub and cracked to start.
Hey guys I got it, Heroes … more like ze.. fuck lost it. Wait ok, Heroes? more like Gyros!
Maybe this guy should go take a long walk off of a short plank huh???
Oh yeah! That was right around the time that people were winning the argument that vomit was better than shit.
No, it got bad from the get go. People hoped it would get good or something. It's easy to make something look like it is going to be good at first with a bunch of mystery. Actually following through is the hard part. That is why this show and Lost sucked.
actually only one season of that show makes any sense, and even then people sleep
I could tell from the first episode this show was going to nothing but disappoint people
I knew the show was stupid from the beginning. It's like super heroes but we take away anything cool about them and just string you along with the hope of one day revealing what is going on. Lost was pathetic enough, this show was just more of the same garbage. NBC just makes shitty decision after shitty decision.…
This movie looks like it is going to smack the hell out of every other scifi franchise. If all they make is super hero movies from now on I'm totally cool with it as long as they are like this and not Man of steel crapfleck
Yeah those AbramsTrek movies really ruined the series. Not enough men in girdles or long discussions about tolerance or something.
Courtney Love people hate you more than walmart. Your brain stopped working long ago
Also that gay bar thing was so hilarious they just went ahead and did the exact same scene in police academy 2, or 3 maybe? Which ever one had Mouser instead of HArris (still Proctor though)
I'm proud that I went all for years of his late night run without watching more than 10 minutes. From what I saw he didn't just try to make viral videos, he ripped off other things from the internet. Specifically the avclub. I remember he did something the E.T. atari game about 2 weeks after that game was featured on…
He's done that a few times to get some cred that somehow earns him the right to just shit out movies 98% of the time.
Yup it will have Adam Sandler changing things up from making movies that are just plain shit to movies that are unbearably pretentious. Don't you get it man? It's like they are comedians but they like have lives too. That is what all you normal people don't get, they aren't immortal gods. They are normal people! Don't…
People sell their souls for Dave Grohl. I know one