
I can't imagine dwarves getting obsessed with soccer. They are powerful and fast, but lack the endurance. They'd be more about football I'd think. Elves would love it, but it would be the whole "Halfback passes to center, center holds it, holds it!" thing.

I thought this show was called the Playboy Club??? and I didn't know it made it to 7 episodes.

Ok I guess I'll be the first to demand a scale model of Westeros.

I am talking about legal disputes in the real world. Ok I started to look more into the whole Siegal thing. What I learned is that I don't want to look into that anymore but from what I saw the deal the Siegal's were recently given doesn't look that bad.


Yeah I've noticed whenever Superman is involved in a legal dispute evil always triumphs.

I don't think Alan Moore gets pissed about this stuff. I wish he did, but he likes that people still find him relevant for some reason. He just want everyone to think he's cool.

I gotta hand it to Bob Saget he knows how to take advantage of idiots.

Cracked is interesting for the most part but a lot of the time they are just plain wrong about stuff. Anything new you find out about from Cracked you should get confirmation from somewhere else. Otherwise you'd believe that possums descended from Sabertooth tigers and so forth.

Why not Nora Dunn?

More like Shmitt Fraudney.

Jessica Alba and Chris Evans didn't look like brother and sister either.

Livestrong? I don't know having blood drawn so that it can be put back into me later sounds like a whole lot of trouble

Pfffftttt The BBC is just a bunch of Lannister lies meant to keep the small folk in line.

You know once you've invented something that has complete control over reality you've pretty much put yourself out of business, or at least every invention after that is real easy.

OOOO wowow wwwooooo ooowwwoooww Tarzan Boy by Baltimora

You really only need Netflix for maybe 2 non consecutive months out of the year. Watch their originals, watch whatever is good and then be sick of how there is no way to just browse through everything they have to offer. Final step get bored with their very specific category suggestions.
*Almost forgot- get insulted

Thats why they invented the T-800. Then later they changed it M.O. to becoming an action star and politician in the U.S.

Oh you mean the Tesseract? One of the infinity gem… err I mean stones?

I think that was inspiration hitting you. All those fossil fuel powered fleshlights are destroying the planet.