My daughter and my lover are dead. Sure that will last.
My daughter and my lover are dead. Sure that will last.
Whatever spambot
??? You've messaged me multiple times before I've even responded. Give me a chance before you start harassing me, dick.
Drama is not hard, he can't do comedy. Never been convincing in action roles either.
Only if they had those kids when they were 14-17.
Son, we don't agree with any of the decisions made in this episode. Just like we haven't approved of a single decision made in this series in its entire run.
Maybe we all have a lot to learn from Amanda Bynes about how to smoke marijuana like a cigarette in a planet fitness.
Amanda Bynes has a lot to learn from this woman.
Say what you will about Jackman, but who else could dance the ballet of the Wolverine with such grace and perfect posture huh? huh?
Is Wolverine as dashing and graceful in this as he was in the other films? He dances like an angel!
Michael should of just said, "Oh Rebel happened to mention she did the photobooth thing with the other guy she was seeing. I didn't know it was you until this moment."
fuck the uncanny avengers
I know I'm really tempted to give them some real spoilers.
I would listen to this podcast if at least once every episode Maron came in and started pushing him around, maybe giving him a wedgie. He is my favorite subject of Maron abuse.
I totally agree with you. Pete Holmes is terrible and many many people agree.
This show lies in its bed awake at night wishing it was X-Men.
what a beautiful mind
Mr. Marshall I'm having problems with my wife. Could you give me some marriage advice?
You better have a damn good explanation
Seriously no one get your hopes up that this will be anything other than another stupid fucking Hugh Jackman vehicle.