Exactly, letting Jamie go was not a brilliant decision either. How could she know little finger for so long without realizing he was full of shit and was lying about Tyrion. Especially after Tyrion saved her life.
Hello darkness my old friend
I don't know her mistakes have lead to terrible things for her family.
I think the point is that honor needs to be tempered with pragmatism.
So you like to find out that people agree with you on your own ?
He is the Lord of House Bolton and he was supposed to be friends with Robb. At this point that is all you need to know.
You can all thank leeched Baratheon wang blood for that.
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
If there were any justice in the world this would have 200 likes.
no. That was this Black Jack fellow. Wonder what happened to him.
dogs like to bury old junk
Turns out that the Martian Manhunter has been doing a different kind of man hunting than we all assumed. He gets his man, and Hal Jordan gets breakfast in bed.
She is still a vampire. I bet this arc is what gets rid of all that and makes her just a mutant again. The last thing that happens in this issue leads me to believe there is an easy out for her with the whole vampire thing. They shouldn't of been messing around with vampires in the first place. There needs to be more…
Why Nicholas Cage? That doesn't add anything at all to this. He is already in 8 movies a year. I can't imagine a more boring addition.
They need someone to make out with their cousin.
I'm not looking at my post right now because of the way disqus works, but I think I said that because of the way my post compared Arrested Development to a drug.
Just in case prime minister x was being serious, no hes not groot.
This looks like its going to be part space opera part super hero movie. If this hits the mark it will be huge.
Did Rogen even try to do an impression? I don't think that he did.