With a dry cool wit like that I could be an action hero..
With a dry cool wit like that I could be an action hero..
Somewhat related thought- Was I stupid to think Kenneth Branaugh was going to bring more Gravitas to Thor?
THE ADVENTURES OF THE AVERAGE PEOPLE! I mean I guess it could, but you could also just scrap every single thing about it and start over. Tangents is a stupid name.
Rifftrax are freagin awesome. People on here complaining that they aren't as good as mst3k are really just mad they they are old now. Anything new can never be as good as something that came out when they were younger.
No, Money down!
I really hope the guy playing Theon is no method actor.
Has anyone else here tried listening to the audiobooks? The reader sure uses the grizzled old man voice a lot. That as well as the very very old man missing teeth voice.
I think the only thing you can really say is that the old gods are paganism. The others not really. They are influenced by those things, but its misleading to think that they just are them.
Yeah you'd think they'd at least try to set up Moon Knight 1 first.
If Agent Coulsen get to be a part of the Marvel 616 universe then why not Garry Shandling???
I give it a 88 or 90. Pretty damn good over all. Also the scene with She Hulk and Daredevil was a sweet surprise.
Avclub readers are too smart to like this stupid garbage right? Sorry I'm new.
That could work. Also someone should outlaw slavery. Those slaves don't get paid and they have to work all the time. Some even have to do naughty bedroom type things!
You know I like this show, but I just wish that everyone could get together and just agree on who the king should be ya know? This way they wouldn't have to fight each other all the time.
So the prostitutes story somehow facilitates the meeting of varys and ros?
I think you mean the spoiler alert was needless. Still though, better safe than sorry