
School Jerks put out an album this year that is a great example of the 80s hardcore style. Snotty and fast as fuck. http://gravemistakerecords….

School Jerks put out an album this year that is a great example of the 80s hardcore style. Snotty and fast as fuck. http://gravemistakerecords….

Exactly. I think people are forgetting the high potential for hilarious fuck-ups. In the UK we had The Games which was a more 'serious' attempt at celebrities doing sports and the highlight was washed-up comedian Bobby Davro doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watc… (shitty video quality and some weird amateur

Exactly. I think people are forgetting the high potential for hilarious fuck-ups. In the UK we had The Games which was a more 'serious' attempt at celebrities doing sports and the highlight was washed-up comedian Bobby Davro doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watc… (shitty video quality and some weird amateur

" "outright hate" is a bit of a strong response for a sketch comedy show, even one that wasn't funny"

" "outright hate" is a bit of a strong response for a sketch comedy show, even one that wasn't funny"

One of my favourite parts of this show is the Vandaveon and Mike internet sketches where they critique their own episode in character. Those two characters are such spot on depictions of people I actually know. Watching those was the first time when I was really like "Holy shit, these dudes can fucking act."

One of my favourite parts of this show is the Vandaveon and Mike internet sketches where they critique their own episode in character. Those two characters are such spot on depictions of people I actually know. Watching those was the first time when I was really like "Holy shit, these dudes can fucking act."

People getting mistaken for things they're pretending to be
Tropic Thunder, Galaxy Quest, Three Amigos, My Name is Bruce

That just means you're old.

I fucking loved this film. It was like the Ghost Rider film you actually wanted. The Ghost Rider film based on Jason Aaron's recent excellent run.

Wearing plaid and flannel and at an Alkaline Trio show. Those were clearly orgcore punx.

The impassioned TV/movie pitch followed by an executive asking "Will there be titty?"

Most incongruous joke in a blockbuster movie?
The Bill Hicks joke in Jackson's King Kong.

You Have Goals

Bruno Schulz
One of the finest writers of all time. We have two peerless short story collections. If he had lived longer I have no doubt he would be consistently mentioned in the same breath as Kafka or Faulkner. He was working on his first novel, but no traces survive of it. He was killed in the holocaust and the

Batman's gonna get glassed.

I'm just imagining the pitch: "You know how in Liar Liar Jim plays a guy who lies all the time but then is forced tell the truth and still save the day as the audience doesn't just laugh, but wonder whether they too could deal with having that fundamental part of themselves subverted. Well in our movie, Jim plays a

2Girls1Cup is just a short glamourous knockabout comedy version of SWAP.avi.

Mark Kermode's story about it is great. That the first time he saw it he was so freaked out that he walked out and wrote an absolutely scathing review but a combination of the fact that he couldn't get the film out of his head and the fact that it inspired such fervor in its fans that one of them approached him in a