
Give your wife a case of Cherikee Red and see how she reacts. My lady friend, from the pacific northwest where Natives are not uncommon, was amazed when she saw that in a cooler for the first time. I can't imagine any/many yinzers being seriously native racist, as I don't think we've had a significant enough

Eh, I grew out of visiting the Dirty O about 20 years ago, and I'm only in my mid 30's. Laga is long since dead. If you want to watch morons play beer pong on the porch, then Oakland could work. It's not my scene.

I read about this with mostly indifference in the Post-Gazette.

Traditionally, yes, it's done with a "Target Letter."

Federal judges are appointed for life to prevent that.

My point was: be angry at real racists, but putting Maher's head on a pike for a stupid line is an overreaction.

I laughed pretty hard at that first "would be fired" part, E, thinking about places I've worked over the last 15 years.

China allows, what, 30ish foreign films per year?

Um, yes? I thought I was fairly clear in describing that it was my personal interpretation of things, and that I specifically could not clearly define the thoughts of others.

I don't think it is if you start with that assumption about Republicans already in your head. I can't speak for what's in Maher's head, but I had shrugged it off like that, and forgotten about it by the end of the show, until I heard about the huge backlash.

Republicans, whether or not individually racist, are generally the architects of and almost always the beneficiaries of rather heinously racist political strategies, ranging from the southern strategy to "tough on crime" discriminatory sentencing laws to current voter ID/targeted disenfranchisement efforts.

She'd probably be flattered. Just be GGG and work the rules with my parents out in advance.

I'm not saying that America has or has ever established some sort of Platonic Utopia. We got enough of the Church vs. State thing right a couple hundred years ago to put it in writing, and fight about it ever since.

Yo. Move on.

To clarify: the last time I saw him tackle the issue head on, he cited a lot of specific poll numbers clarifying that the religiously conservative theocratic practices of a number of muslim areas was in fact supported by a majority or large minority of the populace.

He Doesn't! He regularly has on that progressive Muslim woman who speaks about these issues. I'm not sure where this got all twisted.

Uh, I wholeheartedly condemn theocracy anywhere and everywhere. I describe myself as "I was raised Catholic, but got better" and agnostic. I think Maher has as legitimate criticisms of Islamic Theocrats as he does wanna-be American Theocrats.

In any reasonable modern culture would the legally enforced religious treatment of women and gays, for starters, be acceptable to you?

I thought the joke, in context of talking to a Republican who just invited him to work in his fields, was not a particularly offensive use of the word, given that the other party represents an entrenched racist political strategy going back to Nixon.