
The "fighting over it worldwide" bit is my favorite part of the quote. What an awesome, old man thing to say. He don't give a fudge.

Setting aside the larger implications of this product, it's sad that Amazon is emerging as a legitimate force in scripted programming right now, yet still managed to produce such a terrible informercial.

I don't know anything about house stuff, but in my experience pilot lights on water heaters are easy to restart as he claims. There's a button. It's super easy. If it isn't working, your water heater is probably dead. Be glad it didn't burst.

It was New York, near Herald Square. She might still be there! And if not, you can pop into that mall for some delicious, authentic New York cuisine. Is Arby's still downstairs?

Years ago, I was waking home from work one day when I heard a voice behind me that sounded instantly familiar. I turned around and it was Maura Tierney chatting with a friend. My obsession with Newsradio had been dormant for a few years (this was probably 2007 or so), but in that moment, everything went slo-mo and my

Agreed. I've made some comps of my favorite '77 performances and I cut out all the tuning and interminable breaks between songs. I swear it pulled 15 minutes out of Ithaca alone.

My full name has elicited some chuckles from time to time. Matt Sterling was one of the most popular gay porn stars of the 80s/90s. I still can't get the domain name. Also, Matthew Sterling is the heroic star of a series of romance novels targeted at African-American women. Could be worse.

But what about the dog that they miss almost as much as Uncle Charles? Or maybe they miss the dog more because the dog gets mentioned first.

It says a lot about the sorry state of independent film in 2014 that this is being released by Samuel Goldwyn. But mostly it says a lot about how much money there is in preaching to the choir.

I worked at a Suncoast during the era of two Jack Frosts, and I'll go to my grave proclaiming that the campy horror "Jack Frost," and it's even more ridiculous and self-aware sequel are really well-made comedy/horror films.There are clever bits throughout each, and the writing and performances are much better than you

Am I an awful writer? I freely admit that I may not be communicating my thoughts clearly. I recognize that famous people say and do stupid things all the time. And if the A.V. Club reports it out of genuine interest at the editorial/staff level and because they believe it's what their readership values, then I am

Clearly, I'm in the minority, and if you check my comment history (why would you do that? - I know you would never do that), you'd find that a good portion of my comments are dedicated to praising the mighty O'Neal, as he is about 90% of the reason I check the A.V. Club every day.

I'd be willing to pay if a subscription model would mean that these types of stories wouldn't need to be covered. I assume (and I could be wrong) that they cover this type of stuff because stories like these generate lots of clicks and extra activity on their site, and not because they think that Gene Simmons'

I'll admit I'm a bit surprised whenever A.V. Club covers the weekly "old, irrelevant celebrity says something stupid" beat. I know they need clickbait like any other site (though I would gladly pay a monthly fee to avoid stories like this one), but if stories like this must be covered, at least assign a lesser writer.

I saw Robin Williams in person two times during my time in NYC. The first was at a church service, the second was en route to the hospital with my wife as she was in labor with our first born. One of my wife's favorite movies is Popeye, and when she saw Mr. Williams get into a car mere moments before entering the

Always loved Paula Pell, and this is a great tale of teenage-style tomfoolery. It makes me respect Cheri Oteri even more as well.

Mike Viola is indeed a massively talented musician, but no one should be surprised that his name is omitted when the other members of the production team are Beck and Ryan Adams. Like Viola, many of my favorite singer/songwriters from the 90s have been relegated to sidemen status in recent years. Oddly enough, Beck

Kevin McDonald plays the emcee at the Con when the ship comes crashing back to earth at the end of the film.

Lots of great Dad's and Garner stories, as it should be. My Dad is a self-employed musician, so he works from his home studio. Once A&E (or whoever) got re-runs of Rockford, my Dad would time his lunch break every day to have his sandwhich with that show. Never missed it.

Jon Brion is a remarkable talent, and the times I saw him at Largo lived up to all the hype and then some. That being said, I personally don't revisit his pop songs much these days (especially compared to contemporaries like Jason Falkner or Michael Penn). I remember thinking "Meaningless" was a masterpiece when I