The Canaller

Yeah, that was some high level USMC wit, right there. I thought I almost saw open smirks at the 'commendations' line.

If Apatow hasn't made Step-Brothers and Pineapple Express as funny as they By God should be, he's officially on my shit list. Talladega Nights, Knocked Up were both disappointing. (Especially KU).

That seems reasonable.

Thanks, buddy. I've been waiting for a discussion on this a loooooooong time.

It's just sedentary and dull. It's like forcing actors in a Hawks movie to speak at normal speed. That's probably a big part of the hostility the episode engenders.

Love Daydream. Love Howie.

Emergence, Part Two
But boy, was I wrong on Rat Funeral.

The Emergence of Bill McNeil
All right, first off - Goofy Ball. It has a premise that, to me, just doesn't get enough energy for a B-story (let alone the A). Everything else DB said is right on, by me. One specific glorious Lisa moment is her emergence from the elevator - Maura really does an outstanding stage hide

Walt is awesome.

I was thinking Donna Hayward. The Moira Kelly incarnation, not the Lara Flynn Boyle. But that's just me.

All I have to say is…

CybOrg, well done. My bitter vitriol holds not a candle to your elegant simplicity.

Idiot question, Donna - I know you two are both in Arkansas - but are you two married or what?

It's Training Day.
That bitch better know how to wear them when she's eighteen, or I won't fuck her as much.

I definitely agree that the high-episode count forces US shows to adapt character development as a crucial element or die. (See The Bernie Mac Show, a show I had a lot of love and hope for in the first half of their first season.) Obviously, we're talking about sitcoms that at least make an effort towards quality…

How about "Booger and the Gang"?

No, no, no!!! Matthew as the dentist was necessary and perfect! He's a professional - and HE'S ACTUALLY COMPETENT AT SOMETHING. He's just in the industry because of his passion for… er, news radio.

Nah, 'sane' Jimmy was great. I, for one, just thought that Stephen Root got better served by having Jimmy… indulge his appetites, something the character would be able to do. He always was a hell of a businessman. He just had a slight gambling problem, that's all. (And was crazy - but aren't we all?)

And no…
Joe didn't retain that very long at all.

Yeah, "The Crisis" is the low point in the series.
Followed closely by the funeral, coming soon after this.