Sunny Side Up

Frightened Rabbit '09!
Scottish Accents are awesome '09!!!

Ted Leo '09!
Kick ass new Ted Leo Album '09! So Fine!

Comedy Albums '09!
Comedy '09! So fine!

That is not so fine '09.
Disgusting celebrity commercials '09!

Denzel Washington is So Fine in Training Day
So Fine '09! Dastardly Villain '09!!!

Shallow Seas '09 So Fine!
Video-games about the Ocean '09!

Naked to the stars so fine in '09!
Pulp Sci-Fi novels '09!

Superheroes '09! So Fine!
Unnecessary Reboots '09!

Looks like '09 is going to be an interesting year for movies.
Oscar bait '09!

Whimsical harp music '09!
Triple albums are back '09!

Johnny Cash '09!
So fine! Johnny Cash '09!

Jay Leno Sucks '09
Not so fine. Jay Leno Sucks '09

Shatner '09!
Oh Nine So Fine!
Shatner '09!