
"Go in peace!"

Korra/Bataar Jr. is just the beginning. After the pity sex is over, Korra will make her way through the rest of the Beifong clan.

It's more Jet Alone than anything.

And the best part is her other arm is free for some handie-action.

Well, on one hand he does come from money and prestige, is the grandson of a world famous hero and earthbending prodigy, and he is a genius who managed to build a giant, killer robot out of a city in a few days.

She's way past cool! She's Kuvira the Despot!

My sister spoils herself with a giant 'robot' that gets her all nipply.

I don't give a damn what we call her mecha, but I call her "Ku-come-here-a (baby)".

No one knows how Disqus works. Things just happen. If your comment stays up and you're getting up-votes, you must be doing something right.

"Toph is a jerk."

Bataar Jr/Opal - 11/10 - Oh my god, you guys! He didn't want to kill his sister! You know what that means!

She kept the stolen piece so that when she put it back in the machine she would be hailed as a hero and Bataar Jr. look like a chump.

John watched as his newest apprentice put the finishing touches on his first trap. He had known of the boy ever since he had used his cunning and ingenuity to defeat the Wet Bandits several decades ago. Still, he had no idea that such a child destined to be more than a tidbit of trivia in the history books, following

I expect a montage set to "Let's Fighting Love" which consists half of Lin and company killing Earth Empire goons, and half shots of everyone hugging.

I smell another cheap cartoon crossover!

Whenever Kai isn't on screen all the other characters should be asking, "Where's K-…er…Actually, never mind. Carry on."

I don't know man, if you've seen some of the fan art I have, "ruined forever" sums up what it does to a character.

Jinora was cute and funny in her brief appearances in season 1. That was reason enough to like her.

"This appearance cemented that for me; in his conversation with Korra, he showed far more dimensionality than Amon, Unalaq, and even Azula were ever allowed to have."