
"She was basically his servant."

Hiroshi: In my defense… Teenagers, am I right?

Hiroshi is totally gonna help Asami figure out a way to counter Kuvria's mega weapon.

The good thing about Kuvira is that she makes Zaheer look like he had a point.

"The characterization isn’t shaping up in ways that I’mparticularly compelled by."

Ikki is back to being my favorite character. Suck it, Jinora!

Bring back American Dad! while they're at it!

It'll be a sad day in hell if we don't hear Korra saying "Scissor me timbers!"

Ahahaha! Classic Meelo!

Korra: Don't push it Korra, let it happen. There's gonna be a Mama Mia!

She had a line.

He enjoys sleeping in the wet spot?

Everyone will later turn against her when she decides the Earth Kingdom isn't enough, and decides the rest of the nations must be united as well.

But that's why it's so hot!

"By making his gay son (!) rape his sister (!) and rigging her womb with a bomb so she can't abort the baby (!)."

My God… The Equalists, the Red Lotus, the civil wars in the Water and Earth Kingdom… It all makes sense…

It's about as fun as you'd think.

With pleasure!

"It seems everyone in Republic City/Air Nation wants this idiot on the throne…why? They know Wu is unpopular."