What the hell happened to her hair?
What the hell happened to her hair?
What the hell happened to this show?
What the hell happened to this show?
Congratulations on your sister returning.
Since I'm sure NO ONE - not a single person, not one - has mentioned it yet (I'm can't believe no one mentioned it yet!) I guess it's up to me to inform you dirty peasants…
Laughed so hard, you had to post it twice!
Well, not all the sub-plots. We still have that "Spirits are running amok in the city!", "Varrick's magnet suit!" and "Shane Toph!" which were forgotten about in later episodes.
The Earth Kingdom is the Avatar version of the Soviet Union. It's a bunch of individual states held together by government in Ba Sing Se. The Earth Queen's death is merely the acceleration of the dissolution of the Earth Kingdom which had begun degradation probably around the time Fire Nation set up their own puppet…
Speaking of which; I was totally fine with Asami putting on her electro-gloves and slapping Korra around a bit - that was just wholesome fun - but now that she's in a wheelchair, I can't help but feel that the power balance has shifted a bit.
Zaheer: I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend!
Plus, Zaheer pretty much flat out said "Her head asplode! She dead!", so, that kind of helps confirm it a little.
Stacy or GTFO
A young Firecest found Ingrid Third to be quiet the looker.
The Best One Ever
But Ferretcest is okay on a stolen airship. After all, there are no laws in the sky. It is the domain of spirit and beast. Your earth-centric morality goes right out the window.
I think he's more like an animated Gustavo Fring. Seeing as he's willing to threaten a man and his entire family to get what he wants… And also because he makes delicious fried chicken.
Stay tuned next season where they return as cyborgs seeking their revenge against Korra!
Toph isn't a member of the Red Lotus, dont' be silly.
Iroh really had to make it clear just how BFF™'s Zuko and Aang were, huh?