I know, right?! I always eat out on airplanes, and let me tell you, trying to fit in that tiny restroom is such a pain. And that's without trying to get the stewardess in position!
I know, right?! I always eat out on airplanes, and let me tell you, trying to fit in that tiny restroom is such a pain. And that's without trying to get the stewardess in position!
Unalaq's Spirit Calming Tentacles ™
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your commenting.
Jagged Metal Krustyorr-O's!
Hey, now! They aren't mutually exclusive!
Toph/Zuko/Katara would make me pee my goddamn pants, too.
It makes more sense when you think of "enlightenment" as "hard drugs".
You sure, Dik? There are no secrets in the Metal City… You got nothing to hide, bro?
I have to agree with the westernization team. Flirtatious cousins are more appropriate.
I give you the next Avatar:
Well, not on camera. Off set the cloud of smoke that follows her would put Aldi Rizal to shame!
My fanfiction was right all along!
"Precious girl is so done with older people telling her what to do. She'll make her own decisions and mistakes and she will not learn from them, and continue to make the same mistakes over and over," seems more likely.
"I suppose Bryke, for all their faults, aren't capable of that kind of dumbassery."
I (naturally) misread your post as "Oh we're totally gonna see her tits".
I was thinking more "wandering the earth, like The Chosen One from Kung Pow. Raggedy bandages on her hands from trying to grab pyramids, and fighting cows", but sure… Yours works too.