
That's what happens when you get here early and no one is talking about shipping yet. It forces you to actually… communicate.

Look at me! Big, deep conversation starter! It's thrilling, and a little bit scary!

You know, I don't really like the fact that Iroh appeared. I don't feel like it added a lot to the show. It felt like fanservice for the sake of fanservice. Of course, the argument is that his appearance is going to allow Korra's character to develop… But i have my doubts about that, given Korra's lack of development

And where the fuck were her shoes?! She had shoes, but when she's a kid again, no shoes. When she changes back, shoes again!

Watercest - IS FINE (when it doubles as Twincest!)

Best character on the show turns evil? Yes please!

Let's be honest here. Her whole reason to exist is to give the Rule34 artists someone to draw who's not 12 or 14.

There's only one spirit I care about, and her name is "Vulva".

Does this mean we'll get to see Vaatu sing later in the season?:

So, something like this?

"Two players; two sides. One is light; one is dark… And then there's this bitch." - John Locke on Korra.

"First of all, Mai's name is not spelled Mei. It is spelled Mai."

I'll be there as well, wearing a judge's robe. Not because I work in law, but because they're loose, and freeing. And the lack of pants really simplifies things.

"On the other hand, Mako was the worst boyfriend ever. I'd actually be fine with Asami and Mako getting back together (though I'd rather it didn't happen) so long as Asami eventually points out to Mako that he was the worst boyfriend ever."

The dark spirit is incredibly inbred.

It must happen! If only for to see Tumblr ablaze!

"Well, I suppose one way to have your protagonist learn the error of her ways is to have her get dumped and then eaten by a mystical sea creature."

To be fair, her character is pretty, too. Especially when she's been crying. Hot damn.

Varrick clearly takes it from behind.

Sure, Korra might get "called hard on her bs", but then she'll apologize, everyone will hug, and she'll go right back to doing things the way she's always done. Korra is basically Stan Smith at this point.