
Also the 108th hour of the show. Thanks to lostpedia we can all look like uberlostfreaks

@ Harvard Dad

Even in Spanish I still get chills.

Jesus I've heard so many adults in my life say that, I thought it was common knowledge….

I agree that girls are much more driven by the pack mentality (btw it's built into us, how do you think those cave women survived when the men were always out killing saber tooth tigers and bumping uglies all over his territory) but at least my friends tolerated me in a "you poor thing" kinda way. I still got to sit

Never underestimate the power of a group of three-year olds. They'll burn your house down and be roasting marshmallows before you can bat an eye.

I want to like the show more than I actually like it.

Does Ike have a new person doing his voice or does he just have a big boy voice now???

I usually despise turn based games (notable exception is Kingdom Hearts) but Inside Story is growing on me.

What no Fluff?
It may have been good with the Banana one….

I'm sure there is a radioactive version out there. Glowing pigs brains might be more appealing.

Donny, you're out of your element

damn inching up, stupid beer

Me and about 4 people I work with sent probably 75 emails back and forth today discussing the finale. So I was not shocked to see over 1200 less than 24 after the season ended. Losties are inch up into the trekkie world.

the perfect Korean line was pretty good too.

Totally Jack et.al

I too have grown to like Juliet though she still creeps me out.

I don't think the stupid thing ever went off. Maybe Sayid messed it up, maybe he decided not to do it. I think a huge pulse of electromagnetic stuff went off and sent them back to the time they belong in.

I'm thinking Peter will be activated soon as well. I mean why not make your own son a warrior.

Slusho. yet another reason I love Walter.