
"Best Day Ever!"

Warren Ellis did a 3-4 issue fill in run in the late 90's/early 00's called "Not Dead Yet" that would be perfect and will never, ever happen.

Former moody teenager here. That headline is a LIE.

The Hawaii Bowl seems wasted on a team from San Diego. Surely there was some other team from the Midwest who just finished playing a bunch of games outside in the snow who would have appreciated it more?

Jackson 5 by a mile.

They basically dropped a nuke on the video rental business and then peaced out.

Wait, Andrew Jackson prevented a war?

Now Vagrant Story, THAT'S a game that is sitting there at the bottom of the stairs screaming at the top of it's lungs that it needs a remake.

It's hard to blame anyone for not believing me, but the new Tomb Raider games are good.

I replayed it last year.

The further they remove it from the game design and structure of the source material the better the game will be. Now, it might also mean that a lot of doofuses whine about it "not being the game I remember" but fuck them, they're wrong.

If I had discovered something like that I would have talked about it a lunch for months.

I have a probably unhealthy tolerance for roguelikes so I've always been fine with it.

I just wanted to give a random shout-out for Fallen London. I actually came at it backwards from Sunless Sea, which I bought on a whim and loooooooooooooooove, and played it for a few months without spending. Those types of games really aren't my cup of tea, but I found what I played very charming and engaging in a

I think that it's just amazingly well placed. I imagine it's probably hard to play that level more than 5-10 times without stumbling across it.

Give Cait a shotgun and/or a melee weapon and some psycho and she goes absolutely bonkers in combat.

I'd also count Vault 81 and the various Faction HQs(although not technically cities, they have vendors and give quests), although I wouldn't count Covenant.

Until 30 seconds ago I thought it was Whistlecheeks.

Nah, Bangs is a really good writer and I enjoy reading him, I absolutely believe him and I don't doubt his intentions, but his actual opinions on music are generally terrible.

I love Bob's Burgers but every episode without Regular Sized Rudy is a wasted episode.