
Considering overpopulation and a dwindling supply of fresh water it's probably more selfish to have children than not have children.

Well, I enjoyed the fuck out of that.

The rest of the Yogscast can go DIAF for all I care, but Sips is amazing. My girlfriend(who does not play video games) and I watch at least one of his videos via the youtube app on the xbox every night and laugh our asses off. We are both in our 30's. As long as it's just him and none of the other obnoxious hyenas

I was just scrolling down to see if anyone had said something like this yet.

I firmly believe that if they'd played Smart Patrol we'd be living in the Corporate States of Devolution right now.

I am a very sporadic contributor to these threads, but I read them almost every week and this is the reason why. This is also despite the fact that I disagree with most of you about pretty much everything.

XII is far better than pretty okay.

I can't deal with XII not being top 3. It's too fucking good.

No, he's the progeny of the two idiots who were also in every Ernest movie.

Sips is amazing.

When I was in 7th grade I chose Sourcery as my free book at a book fair and then didn't pick it up until two years later during summer vacation. A few months later I'd read them all and I haven't slowed down since.

Gotta be Vimes.

Small Gods

However bad you think the food is. It's worse. This is not hyperbole and this is not a "hipsters with their artisanal taco meats" thing. IT IS THAT BAD.

That place has shockingly inadequate pooping facilities for a restaurant that serves meat that's already the consistency of diarrhea.

I rewatched The Hustler the other day and I had forgotten how good Scott is in that movie. I always think of Newman and Gleason because of the pool and because they're Newman and Gleason, but he's just as good if not better than either of them in that movie, to the point where he tends to dominate the screen any time


Most underrated section of My Sharona: The Bridge.

Nope, the worst collective taste in music belongs to hockey players, regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, or how slammerated they are.

Of all the shit in that episode, I laughed hardest at the fucking popcorn. In fact, right now I am picturing Bob Balaban eating the popcorn and I am giggling to myself. It's little details like that, Lincoln's edible arrangement, and the god damn kimono corner that really push this show over the edge from really good