
Cumbersome by Seven Mary Three.


I guess I just never get invited to all the cool places that are still playing the record all the time.

The original does some walking up and down the scales between the other three notes.

Fred Armisen literally did the least he possibly could with that bass line.

Fade Into You = Not Underrated.

I will go to bat for So Tonight That I Might See until my dying breath. It is one of the truly underrated albums of the 90s.

The chorus' of "Rollin' in the Deep" and "Gimme Shelter" are incredibly similar.

That was not what I was expecting. I don't know what I was expecting, exactly, but it sure as fuck wasn't that.

I'm from the south and this is how I feel about basically every single character on The Walking Dead, and it's why I can't watch the show. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

I know my girlfriend and I are meant for each other because we both, unprompted, started air drumming along with the characters, and we both killed it.

It's sterile sounding. Anything interesting in the songs gets polished out of existence.

Jeff Lynne's production has ruined more songs than it's improved.

The Buy More stuff was as a good as the Spy stuff was bad. Then they combined them and it all became mediocre.

I choose to believe that Anchower is currently working as a dishwasher at a Denny's in Commerce City, CO.

I'm indifferent towards football and I've noticed over the last couple of years that people expect me to have a hard line stance on whether I like it or hate it, like it's fucking gun-control or something. Like, people who like football will just automatically start defending it and the people who don't just

Shoot 'Em in the Head was the mission that cemented my love for Fallout.

Love Lords of Shadow.

In a broad sense I'd say it's doing something of your own accord and not because you've been prompted to by the game. That's probably a bit over-encompassing but it'll do.

I got Endless Legend as well.