Brian Smith

Remembering 2005, and the what-happened-first timeline: There's a David Letterman interview with Seth MacFarlane about the return of "Family Guy" (turns out it's online: http://www.youtube.com/watc… ). About 7:38 into it, there's an exchange in which MacFarlane earned a lifetime pass from me:
Letterman: "There's a new

To this day, I'm amazed at the sheer amount of cleverness behind Val Hallen.

To this day, I'm amazed at the sheer amount of cleverness behind Val Hallen.

Even though the Oscars nominated Jaye Davidson, they went out of their way to keep the secret; nobody at the event mentioned *why* he was nominated. And when his name was called, and they played a clip from the movie, it was just a few seconds of him late in the movie; if memory serves, he was silently walking down a

Even though the Oscars nominated Jaye Davidson, they went out of their way to keep the secret; nobody at the event mentioned *why* he was nominated. And when his name was called, and they played a clip from the movie, it was just a few seconds of him late in the movie; if memory serves, he was silently walking down a

You and me both, @WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus. Nothing in her first episode makes any sense:

You and me both, @WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus. Nothing in her first episode makes any sense:

Am I the only one who thought of Christopher Priest's run on DC's "Steel," and the introduction of Dr. Villain? "It's pronounced WILL-hayne! It's French!" That was just…oh, crap, it was almost 16 years ago. Never mind! Go on about your business!

Am I the only one who thought of Christopher Priest's run on DC's "Steel," and the introduction of Dr. Villain? "It's pronounced WILL-hayne! It's French!" That was just…oh, crap, it was almost 16 years ago. Never mind! Go on about your business!

When I was 8, I thought Daisy Mayhem was evil. When I was 12, I would have forgiven her anything.

When I was 8, I thought Daisy Mayhem was evil. When I was 12, I would have forgiven her anything.

I actually think about the opening credits quite a bit, for one reason: When Deacon Frye pulls into his parking space and gets out of his car, he closes the door and then locks it with his key. That was a Sherman Hemsley thing; he thought it was a good habit to promote to keep people from locking their keys in their

I actually think about the opening credits quite a bit, for one reason: When Deacon Frye pulls into his parking space and gets out of his car, he closes the door and then locks it with his key. That was a Sherman Hemsley thing; he thought it was a good habit to promote to keep people from locking their keys in their

I registered on this site just to give the depressing counterpoint to all of Inouye's deserved praise. From the July 15, 1987, L.A. Times, during the Iran-Contra hearings that Inouye chaired:

I registered on this site just to give the depressing counterpoint to all of Inouye's deserved praise. From the July 15, 1987, L.A. Times, during the Iran-Contra hearings that Inouye chaired: