Dr. Reasonable

I've been to Toronto. It's nice. People are good looking and friendly. Some good restaurants. If it didn't snow there, I could see living there. I've never seen hotter girls at a strip club than in Toronto either.

I know a few girls who fell in love with Cera after Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Meanwhile I know a few guys who thought that movie was "meh."

Spaced… So-so
Shaun of the Dead… Good
Hot Fuzz… Great

Man, Ghost World is such a great movie. I feel like watching it again right now. I can't believe Johannsen is the one who became a big star and not Birch.

I liked Ladykillers as well. Not much to add besides that. I haven't seen many of the Coens' movies but find them to be hit and miss. Not as filmmakers, but just in terms of my personal taste. I guess I prefer their comedies?

Because Ghost World is one my favorite films, I was really looking forward to Art School Confidential. I couldn't help but be disappointed. I just didn't think it felt as nuanced as Ghost World. Characters seemed more one-dimensional to me. But it was probably a better movie than I give it credit for, given my

Ghost World is one of my favorite movies of all-time, and I fell asleep watching Crumb.

Everything above this reply is wrong.

Like the Andy Samberg video where people get hit while trying to eat, only for 22 minutes a week?

I don't know about on Netflix, but it disturbs me that the most popular movies on Hulu are always the ones with nudity. It's so easy to find porn on the Internet, why go to Hulu for your fix? So you can see a Lowes commercial before your 80s titty movie?

Agreed. Should have stayed trapped for a week. No pay off for the great set up.

If you are telling the truth, Road Agent, this news item must be very confusing for you.

I've never seen an episode of this show. It's weird when something like this sort of exists in the periphery of my cultural vision. I remember early on everyone said it was a great show. And then people said "Hug it out!" a lot for a while. Then no one talked about it anymore and I assumed it was off the air,

Agreed. Luke is the secret funniest character on the show. Take that Cam and Manny.

I thought this was one of the funniest episodes of the series. But then again, I don't normally think it's as wonderful as everyone else seems to.

I really like Rubicon, but think this episode was weaker than the first two. I really don't understand how the baseball thing worked or lead to those names Will gave some dude on the phone at the end. I can see finding a list of last names by looking up dates and seeing what some baseball player did that was

So.. do you go to school or.. ?

What a weird argument.

One of the hottest women of all time, certainly. It took me a while to find an image, and it's not a great one, but I loved her look when she appeared for like 10 seconds on SNLs Weekend Update in 2001.

True story: Matchbox 20 changed their name to matchbox twenty after they found success to avoid being confused with other number bands.