
Well, Billy, your overt arrogance would suggest that you're talking about yourself; however, your capitalization of One almost definitely points to Bono, as the single was released that year.  Either way, you're wrong and an asshole.

@JLTucker:disqus  - You're way off base calling Breaking Bad poorly written and contrived.  This will go down as one of TV's greatest shows ever.

G.G. Allin!

G.G. Allin!

I loved Mac & Me when it came out; the idea of having an alien friend was sweet and there was enough sentimentality to tug at a young boy's heartstrings.  Unfortunately any pleasant memory I had of it was destroyed when I watched it as an adult and realized it was basically one long McDonald's commercial pretending to

I loved Mac & Me when it came out; the idea of having an alien friend was sweet and there was enough sentimentality to tug at a young boy's heartstrings.  Unfortunately any pleasant memory I had of it was destroyed when I watched it as an adult and realized it was basically one long McDonald's commercial pretending to

@google-57b3fed69211a7e4ceafeec264fdf261:disqus  I'm afraid you don't know what you're talking about.  Unless you're referring to their 00's albums.  Most of the stuff they released while on Nitro is angry as fuck.  And nobody screams, wails, sings, generally manipulates the word "whoa" like Davey did back then.

AV Club's reviewers are a bunch of sad kids apparently.  What about angsty 90's-00's punk rock?!  How could you overlook AFI, Thrice, Strung Out, Rancid, et al?!  There's no better way to channel and release your anger, imho, than to bang your head along with the double bass drum, guitar shredding, screeching punk

yeah, slayer.

@avclub-b31378bbfb701dc33efdb269aa01e844:disqus , @avclub-6e581a8cf486e208eb1eb0867b80d230:disqus - can we at least agree that people that pronouce human as youman are douchbags?

@avclub-6e581a8cf486e208eb1eb0867b80d230:disqus  The following is from the Merriam Webster website.  You can't stop the evolution of language.  Gift is now a verb, deal with it.

Good call.

Ted gifted the apartment to Lily and Marshall because everyone hated them living in New Jersey, and because the memories of Robin were too painful for him.  Ted and Robin are each living alone.  Quinn has moved into Barney's place - which is going to make the inevitable break up that much more dramatic.

@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus  that's called coincidence, not irony - there's a difference.