
the reason for the ivy vs selina plotline doesn't make sense. ivy blames selina for being aged and wants revenge. what? that old dude monster is the one that aged her and ivy likes the new her. whatever. it's gotham.

blown away by evan rachel wood's micro expression acting. james marsden is not the best at acting like a robot in the shop but it's okay because nudity.

most of the sketches seemed like 10 to 1 sketches.

janet: i'm having trouble getting this mask to stick.
tahani: yes, it's cause my pores are just so small. there's no way anything can ever adhere to my skin. it's a curse really.

you said everything i loved, kayla! i don't have anything to add. great ep!

harrison to cops: he doesn't live in the area. i've never seen him before.
man: ……..i…called…them…

paige is suspended again for violating wellness policy and she tweeted that wwe looks the other way for certain superstars when they violate the policy.

the reaction i seem to be getting online is that a lot of people hate her.

watching total bellas

ric flair said he slept with halle berry. halle said, "i don't even know who that is."

people think carmella's annoying. i like carmella! shrill and all. "you thirsty kardashian wannabe!" haven’t made up my mind if nikki’s terrible moonwalking is a better mock than if it was a good moonwalk.

gabby sidibe killed it hahaha

i teared up because charlotte is no longer champ and also because sasha won. i can't believe some people say they are sick of this feud. how? when we get so many quality matches?

nobody is on board with emmalina.
hey, we don’t know. it could be great.
but i love heel “it’s all about me!!!” emma…… rip.
why are they doing this? it hurts.

"Valerie Vale is kind of a useless"
love interest role. sucks. same with barbara before they turned her crazy. same with lee.

not enough crazy kean for me

reading the comments and i don't think jessica would care about luke and claire.

i was hoping that they'd do a suicide squad sketch. knew it wasn't going to happen when they started with the news sketch.

limited release in the states on october 21st!

laughed through the entirety of his apology performance. the actor's dancing was great!