
jfc… i want mandy to be in a good place in her life for once.

i think they were

gift baskets get a lot of gigs on broad city

loved the crowd's energy. you rock, chicago :]

watched the whole season

omg he died…? he died from horse dick…

i have no clue. it sounds like something that would be viral. i'd search it for you but a) i don't want to see it or anything related to bestiality b) i don't want google to think that of me.


- ilana's marker-colored stomach
- my guess for nicole's sprained wrists is maybe something with bdsm going too far.
- "yankee candle store, vanilla bean, bb&b right when it opens at 8am, you and the employees…"

i think she's just really nice and positive, and maybe into abbi? the trey's party episode hinted that she was into ilana.

hopefully she's not. also, it doesn't make sense that rose wouldn't have a plan b. i wonder if their special donuts will show up to luisa. i kind of want the rose/luisa thing to end though. i want luisa to move on.

that came out last year. how often are new unfiltered episodes? it seems like whenever they feel like it.

i guess so because brie got a rebranding. new dragon gear with the hashtag #belladragon.

it really is fucking incredible! but i'm still not onto elias samson. the gimmick is a turn off.

why do they think they're safe because rose is dead? mutter is still alive and doesn't she still want the chip?

totally sad that the becky/sasha match wasn't longer. it didn't seem like the crowd cared about the botched ending. charlotte looked like she was about to fall asleep the entire match. after their smackdown rematch ends in some other draw way, is charlotte going to come out and say, "this is bullshit. i'll take you

both. people can like both.

when ilana was fondling the produce, it reminded me of the time i was squeezing large cucumbers to check the firmness and i made eye contact with a guy. i made eye contact with a guy while handjobbing cucumbers.

how did rose get strangled to death so quickly? that had to have happened in seconds.