
her twitter/ig say otherwise. maybe those posts are to just throw us off.

that's because sasha's resting at home in orlando. she's not on the road.

yeah, after she took out eva marie who took out asuka.

i can't believe how irrational debbie is now. it's unbelievable. i can't believe it!

this movie would be great played on a museum wall on mute.

just because i didn't love the show doesn't mean i don't love you. you can like it. we can still be friends.

this is the first ahs i watched all the way through, and by "watched" i mean, played on in the background while i'm on my laptop.

sasha's been denying injury rumors but i rewatched her last match which was raw in brooklyn and she definitely got hurt.

i said on here in one of the recaps that charlotte is so much better as a heel and someone commented that it didn't work. whoever it was, *dick punch*.

ok, so ya'll think bex is up next for champ?

what's also great about the becky/charlotte feud, for me, is that i didn't see much of them going head to head on nxt. although, i've only seen 2015 nxt episodes so maybe they have in 2014? it's really fun seeing them wrestle each other.

ok but i loved suburgatory and she was great on it.


love the becky momentum too. the "let's go becky" chants are getting louder and louder. it feels so good. shouldn't they be building the storyline to wrestlemania? how are they going to factor sasha into it? my guess is a fatal4way at wrestlemania.

i felt bad for charlotte when she got booed at tlc and paige, the villain, got cheered.

what i thought was they thought he killed teresa with a gun, but didn't think he mutilated the corpse.

i was thinking about how vigilantly halbach's family went after steven avery. it didn't surprise me that they were not at all doubtful. i would think if a family lost a beloved daughter, they'd be out for blood and would target someone, anyone. they blamed steven avery and they weren't going to change their minds.

"right now, murder is hot. everyone wants it." - nbc dateline producer from idk which episode

the way they collect votes seems booty though. they're really going to count all tweets, instagram posts/comments, fb psts/comments, and sort through the thousands of votes through comments on their website?