
"Alicia has NEVER made any declaration of loving/needing/greatly appreciating Kalinda"
no, she never made any declarations but they were good friends and often hung out a lot.

they definitely used stand ins for the individual shots and idk about the front shots of them together.

the bar scene did look very weird. at first i was like, "shit! they're in a scene together!" then i thought, i think they green screened this or orphan blacked this. the individual shots, they clearly did with stand ins. it took all the emotion out of that conversation and i just couldn't believe alicia's teary eyes

what do the proletheans want with a clone baby?

i laughed so hard when louie just put a carpet over the crying woman. it's a better reaction than what i've seen and experienced of women crying in front of guys. guys just get silent and freeze. they don't know what to do and the awkward level goes up 100. if my guy friends could just cover me up with a carpet the

sorry, if this has been repeated.
"it's metaphoral."

makes sense since she has learn everything again and will be taught by victor.

i think john logan said that he had the first 3 seasons planned from the start.

"but there was nothing about her character that suggested a fearsome villain in waiting"
in the season finale, they hinted a little something about her, but yeah, not a hint that she was going to be season 2's big bad.

let's guess what harley's tats are:

i think he's going to roll out individual character shots all night.

i think it's just too much. orphan black always had a lot going on but it got more complicated in s2, even more complicated this season.

you hear missteps here and there throughout. there's allison's, "i'm running agaynst you."

when did vanessa ives ever look albino in pd? btw, i saw the first episode of season 2. i'm really excited for this season because they've introduced a ________ that i love a lot.

the reveal that castor and leda were siblings wasn't as shocking as it was supposed to be, because we all already assumed that.

was 10000% hoping for peter to sound like bobby hill.

unless she has a c-section and then she'll still be a virgin next season.

cold warrior is bitch. trying to clothes line a pregnant woman.

especially for a full season of a 1hr show! i'm so happy for them.

that's a lot of crying.