
i don't even see the need for 3 judges when all their opinions are exactly the same.

I fear for all his shirts every episode. They always look like they're at the point of ripping.

Every episode I think, "Wow, that was amazing. I bet the next one's gonna be not as good," and it always is JUST as good. If not better…

I'm with you. To me the Jane/Rafael storyline is the least interesting to me and find myself almost skipping their scenes. ALMOST.

do you work in the medical field?

i also have an asian dad with impossible standards. i cried in the end.

just started watching the show. i'm now caught up and hooked! this was an A episode from the intro alone. jamal and olivia's girl is damn cute!

how come garol didn't recognize val in "working girls?"

it's all about larabars!

i always do!

or nah, ilana is great.

:] <3

YES, italicizing might have helped. probably not though. you were going off about comments being deleted. i couldn't tell, dude.

yeah… because feeling bad for someone is offensive.

What? I just re-read my comment that got deleted. I didn't wish her well. Not even close but okay.

Maybe Diane Lane? I know Diane Lane's going to be in this season. Don't know who she's playing though.

yeah, my comment mentioning him got deleted [shrug].