
Did Delphine really need to take Cosima's blood in lingerie?

Can we start a petition to get a Patton Oswalt cameo as a neolutionist?

My stomach still hurts from laughing at Allison's kidnapping scene. RAPE WHISTLE! I hope she didn't miss her gig!

I love these walkthroughs. Thank you, avc.


She studied acting in college like serious acting.

You're right that male comics can do that and not get attacked.

Yeah, that's the impression I get from the internet too. Guys, and some women, don't like women comics who talk about sex.

Unsure. They never really explain their hatred. They just say in mean ways that she's unfunny.

reddit dislikes Amy Schumer so I'm sure it'll be extra terrible.

I thought about it and yes I have met quite a few m'ladies. None of them were terrible though! Actually… can't be too sure.

I'm waiting for the westcoast airing but I watched the "Hello M'Lady" sketch on Youtube a couple days ago and the comments are so divided by men and women. I've never met any guys like that but there are a lot of them on reddit.

It is weird to see her character again. I'm wondering if she's related to a producer or something.

I think she was more invested in the Mad Men recap tonight.

I sensed a little something between Finn and Alicia too. I'm down for them hooking up.

It's Jenna not Lana.

A for Petehead. Was that the dog's name?

Excited for the scene whenever Alana finds out she slept with the chesapeake ripper.

I tried to make out the other headlines on the gossip site but couldn't.