

I haven't seen her at all so far this season. Dalia is half the reason I watch.

rip bff :(

Pour into the bowl or the back?

Thanks, Al!

I have the same hair in my fantasies as Ilana does in her's.

Is she not in the show anymore?

Nick Offerman is the voice of Fremulon right?

I'm reading a lot of comments complaining about the lack of change in the characters and stories. I'm not defending the show AT ALL but I think one reason may be because of syndication so that they can air shows out of order and not throw off the audience.

I thought that was super cute. Yay for friendship :)

and Lisa's utterly terrified face.

Is that where you live?

"biiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIItch" count: 2

women's studies major?

No backlash.

Oooooh that's right. I wasn't there but I listened to the intro. That's all he posted on his podcast.

They should murder Luke for having a name that doesn't rhyme.