Sad thing is he works in a hearing aid factory.
Wait… If that's true that's just… as someone with PTSD thats just unforgivable. I hope to hell he sues the shit out of them.
Two years for Dollhouse… how long did it take you to realize it kinda sucked. I'm not taking a shot at you but at Dollhouse which kinda sucked. A show with that many hot girls should not have sucked the way it did. I like Buffy, Angel, Loved Firefly but man did Dollhouse suck.
Also this isn't Whedon pure. He's a…
I've read somewhere they plan on bring in Luke Cage and Iron First that's right the MFin Hero's for Hire.
Sorry even us geeks like to go out on a Friday.
I hardly think ripping off the shity Simpson movie could be poorly done.
antonionis Erstwhile DP Um.. Miami Heat. OKC Thunder. LA Lakers, Pitsburg Penguins( Cuase those land locked citys I think Ocean going water foul), Utah Jazz (Please give this name back New Orleans). I can think of a ton before I get to Chicargo Fire. It works Chitown has a long glorious history with its Fire…
She's only 35! Christ!
I didn't either back in 96.
This…. This is why I come here for a good laugh.
Not much, yourself?
Don't queston the community.
I think you mean THANK GOD IRON MAN AND STAR TREK ARE HERE! and I think you mean to scream it at random people on the street.
Nextwave is too inside the industry comic to work as a movie. Maybe is Robert Altman rose from the grave and directed a Ellis script…Maybe it would work. Power Pack just screams "Pixar me!"
So Baz Lubrmann doen't get the male/female relationship correct…to quote Bond, James Bond, "Shocking. Absoluty shocking." Have you seen R&J or Moulin… The guy is Michael Bay level of bad loud film making. Did you think he'd get small thoughtful moments correct? Cuase I don't. BTW why the hell is this in 3D other…
This film is neither homo or erotic but it is homoerotic. Discuss. This paper is 88% of your grade.