Mr Fixit returns


Sad thing is he works in a hearing aid factory.

Wait… If that's true that's just… as someone with PTSD thats just unforgivable. I hope to hell he sues the shit out of them.

Two years for Dollhouse… how long did it take you to realize it kinda sucked. I'm not taking a shot at you but at Dollhouse which kinda sucked. A show with that many hot girls should not have sucked the way it did. I like Buffy, Angel, Loved Firefly but man did Dollhouse suck.
Also this isn't Whedon pure. He's a

I've read somewhere they plan on bring in Luke Cage and Iron First that's right the MFin Hero's for Hire.

Sorry even us geeks like to go out on a Friday.

I hardly think ripping off the shity Simpson movie could be poorly done.

antonionis Erstwhile DP  Um.. Miami Heat. OKC Thunder.  LA Lakers, Pitsburg Penguins( Cuase those land locked citys I think Ocean going water foul), Utah Jazz (Please give this name back New Orleans). I can think of a ton before I get to Chicargo Fire. It works Chitown has a long glorious history with its Fire

She's only 35! Christ!

I didn't either back in 96.


This…. This is why I come here for a good laugh.

Not much, yourself?



Don't queston the community.

I think you mean THANK GOD IRON MAN AND STAR TREK ARE HERE! and I think you mean to scream it at random people on the street.

Nextwave is too inside the industry comic to work as a movie. Maybe is Robert Altman rose from the grave and directed a Ellis script…Maybe it would work.  Power Pack just screams "Pixar me!"

So Baz Lubrmann doen't get the male/female relationship correct…to quote Bond, James Bond, "Shocking. Absoluty shocking."   Have you seen R&J or Moulin… The guy is Michael Bay level of bad loud film making. Did you think he'd get small thoughtful moments correct? Cuase I don't. BTW why the hell is this in 3D other

This film is neither homo or erotic but it is homoerotic. Discuss. This paper is 88% of your grade.