Childlike Empress

Does anybody here watch Face Off? I just watched Tuesday's episode and I want to talk about it.

I started watching this show a few months ago (being unemployed and this being on Netflix) and I must say I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I am halfway through season 9, so I've seen the mass murder and plane crash and I saw them kill Kyle Chandler with a bomb, but I'm curious as to who gets electrocuted.

I have always understood it to mean that the food has an "earthiness" to it, but maybe I only think that because it is most often applied to mushrooms.

Face Off is back? Hooray! Thanks for telling me.

I really don't like Nick and was bummed he won immunity, but it boggles my mind the judges didn't bring up that maybe he chose his dishes because he had immunity and they were difficult. The whole challenge just seemed unfair for everybody.

I love Brian. He started out kind of iffy, but he's really done well since the competition dwindled. I hope he or Shirley win it all, although I'll concede that Nina is probably the better chef.

Great episode, but one thing that really bothered me: Emily was shot on a boat, so chances are, the suspect was also on that boat. The first thing the police would have done is checked people's hands for gunshot residue and figured out it was Daniel. I know this is a silly, soapy show, but seeing as Victoria having

I really like Downton Abbey for two main reasons: the dialogue and the fashion. The clothes are just so pretty. I mean, I even like Rose, simply because she wears the cutest things.

Good to know. I should check it out, so I can destroy everyone in the bar league.

Do they give you an idea of what the categories are going to be before you go on, so you can study? I've always wondered that.

I too am rooting for Shirley. She seems like a good cook and isn't as obnoxious about it as Nina. I also really like Brian, although he hasn't been in the top too much. I feel like he kind of got screwed this week, with no grill in the kitchen. Maybe the production team should let them see the kitchen before they

You are absolutely right that the plan makes little to no sense. The only thing I can think is that maybe she didn't want Victoria to get off scot-free if she gives her husband up regarding his role in the David Clark murder. This way, she has reason to tell on Conrad (or rather, no reason not to), but she still has

But doesn't that make her betrayal that much worse? I mean, Conrad is just a bad guy who doesn't care about anyone and will kill them to get what he wants. Victoria did care about Emily's dad and still chose to screw him over. Victoria made it personal. I understand why Emily hates Victoria more.

I love Love Actually, but a big part of it is Rickman and Thompson. And Liam Neeson. (And it's even sadder now, given that his wife died in real life.) But the Thompson "break down in tears" scene makes me lose it every time.

As much as I don't like her, why didn't they cast Lea Michelle? At least she can sing and act. And she is a legitimate Broadway star.

When they showed the baby seat just sitting there in the middle of nothing, I shouted out loud my disbelief that those stupid kids would have just left her there. I mean, get her on the bus, then get the guns. Sheesh. Unless that older girl realized they wouldn't live long in the wilderness with a baby, so she left

I'm a Portlander, too! And I thought it was really weird when all of my friends were campaigning against fluoride in the water. Is it bad for the wildlife? That's the only reason I could think of why anyone would care.

Just curious, but whose food did you think was the worst?

There was definitely an Indian chef (possibly on TC Masters) who refused to kill anything because of his religion. I can't remember if he was vegetarian, though. He certainly had no problem cooking meat.

I've been rooting for Brian and Shirley since the beginning, so this was a great episode for me.