Childlike Empress

Norman was only there for the last eight minutes, but he was funny. One little girl got up and asked the terrible question, "If you (meaning Rooker and Reedus) were a team, who would you fight?" Rooker was really confused, but Reedus saved it by answering, "I don't know, the Kardashians" which made everyone laugh. It

Was that the show about the pig? I watched three eps of that.

Just feel I should mention, I saw Michael Rooker and Norman Reedus yesterday at Comic Con (Portland-style) and they were charming and hilarious.

How was he never in the main credits? He seems like an important enough character to warrant being listed in the main cast, especially considering Lori's still there (I think). I will never understand how casting credits work. :)

It's gotta be Herschel. He isn't in the main credits anymore.

I, personally, would love to see a reality competition show where the designers/cooks/etc. actually had the time needed to pull off their best work, instead of constantly dumbing down their designs to fit the time constraints. If these are supposedly some of the best people out there, let's see what they can really

I can't reply to atomicfun, but I completely agree with you, sir or madame. I thought the purpose of Axel being given lines was to butter us up to like him, only to have it come out that he was a disgusting child molester or rapist or whatnot. But nope, he was given lines so they could kill him. That's too bad. Also,

I really enjoyed Megamind.

I really enjoyed this unconventional challenge because it wasn't just designers pasting the weird material to muslin, which to me, isn't really the point of the challenge. I would much rather see them make a fabric out of weird materials than just do an art project on muslin.

I agree about the models. In fact, while I was watching, I was super-sad Cindy's model was getting axed because I thought she was gorgeous. Then I wondered if she was getting axed or if she might just be someone else's model next week. Does anyone know how it works now?

I know! It was like watching your grandma get told how horrible she is every episode. I am so glad she's gone because I couldn't take it anymore.

I would start watching the show again if they demoted Katherine McPhee to a part-time character. I got so annoyed by the show pretending she was somehow better than Megan Hilty that I stopped watching (similar to why I stopped watching Glee when it became The Rachel Show).

It seemed to me, when they were eating the food, that everyone liked Sheldon's filet, but hated his tempura lobster. Then, when they got to the judging, they said he failed with both his ingredients (which I assume was to make the judging more dramatic), so maybe his turf saved him? Does Tom's blog say anything about

I am assuming the 6% of people who voted for Josie were her family and friends and then just people who strategically voted for her seeing as how Kristen can easily beat her in the LCK/Fan Fave showdown.

Don't worry. The Hannibal show will take care of that.

Don't worry. The Hannibal show will take care of that.

That confused me, because I am pretty sure Five for Fighting was just one guy.

I think the big problem with Josie was that she was clearly skating by. It was different when, like, say, last season, the two mean girls (Lindsay and Sarah) at least seemed talented.

I agree with you, Scrawler. It seems to me, the true story (that Bloody Face posed as a psychiatrist at the asylum) is much more interesting than the story that he was an inmate.