Childlike Empress

I thought the same thing!

In addition, shouldn't Karen be completely ecstatic she has any kind of role at all in the musical? I mean, the way I understood it, she really was doing nothing prior to this show. Also, Ivy is way better at Marilyn than she is.

Not only was the footage edited, but after the tribe took off with Emmett's body, how did that video end up in his camera bag? Did the tribesmen take out the tape and place it in there?

I saw him in Salt Lake City (during Sundance) and I was afraid to talk to him because I thought he might be really annoyed and possibly really mean.

I actually had a big problem with this episode. I didn't get MM's self-righteous indignation toward David. I mean, does telling Abigail about the affair weeks after you've started it really put you on the moral high ground? She was being a tramp, but she seemed to think that the only bad thing she did was trusting

I think cooking competitions are hard to determine in terms of whose dish was best and worst. When they were around the table eating, I thought Lindsay's dish sounded like it would be at the bottom and Paul's would be the winner. Then Lindsay won, so I was surprised. Guess I should have known since she was the

She looks and sounds like Tilda Swinton. My bf and I had just rewatched Burn After Reading and I put on PR after, he looked up and said, "Why is Tilda Swinton on this show?"

Question is though - do ghost babies even poop?

I was actually a little disappointed in this episode. After the episode where Violet was dead, I genuinely felt bad for Connie and Dylan. I mean, they already had so many problems and now to top it off, their daughter commits suicide and they don't even realize it because she's a ghost. Then, they took all the drama

Bev, Paul and Ed all the way!! For some reason, I don't like Grayson (athough I don't hate her). I do hate Sarah and Heather and the blonde one who never smiles.

Yeah, I do agree with what you are saying. IF this were a show written by people who actually know something about serial killers (which it kind of seemed to be in season one), then I wouldn't have a problem with it. But instead, we get fuzzy, warm serial killer who seems inconsistent when allowing innocents to die.

My two cents: I am sure that Intern Boy and Intern Girl are working together to bring the Ice Truck Killings to their rightful end (ie Killing Deb). They probably also know about Dex or will find out. In the end, Dexter will kill Intern Boy because he has Deb captured and Deb will see him do it, but it will be okay

Gilmore Girls

I know it's a little late, but I am confused by something. I looked up Anya's company, Pilar, on the internet and found her website. In the About section, she claims that she went to Parsons and then another design school and worked with numerous designers before returning to Trinidad in 2007 when her brother died. If

Even though this show has given me no reason to assume there is a reason for the daughter to act that way, I am going to assume that she's maybe under some sort of "spell" or what not because of the demonic teenage boy she's hanging out with.

I felt like they shot it that way to add suspense. Usually, when you see a scene shot like that, it's because the guy (in this case, Walt) is about to get shot. Even though part of me knew he wasn't going to die, I was still scared that he just might (only on this show).

My friends and I were watching this episode and all we kept saying was "that's not how people dress in Portland," "that doesn't look like a Portland bar," etc. I am pretty sure the writers have never ever been to Portland and know nothing about it, except a little something they read on Wikipedia.

Portland has a huge ad firm called Wieden and Kennedy.

I agree. Especially after that episode when she was looking for her brother, who was terrified he was turning into a werepanther, as soon as she finds out he's not in danger, she runs off with Eric to have ridiculous sex. She doesn't even bother to find him and let him know he's okay first. And she was also warned

I agree. Why take the greatest character on the show (well, along with Pam) and turn him into the dullest? Personally, I think the show would be ten times better if they just had Eric kill Sookie and then just dealt with all the vampires versus regular humans.