
The best film of 2013 is
Beyoncé (Visual Album) starring Beyoncé.

Whatever, dudes, I've completely stayed out of the Sleepy Hollow threads since the pilot. If I wanted to fuck with or [re]crucify the Jesus, I'd go there Monday nights and snarkily marvel at how everyone constantly says how dumb the show is yet enjoys it. I keep falling for the good review grades here and

Paul Krugman has rarely been wrong about anything.

Indeed. I'm prettier than him.

Am I seriously being denounced for my insensitivity due to a misplaced/misunderstood internet abbreviation?

I don't have any clips on hand, but the show never went more than like 90 seconds without making me laugh or nod my head. I always felt good about & after watching it. It's quite strange that it was cancelled for several reasons:

Oh wow, you should work for Eugene Mirman.

That's 22 minutes on my dvr (record it just in case the NFL tv schedule screws up the The Simpsons start time) that baffles me.

Nobel Prize winner Professor Paul Krugman gave her all the awards —

Yyyyeeeeeeaaaahhh, that show is wack.

The worst was indeed the cancellation of Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell.

Cuaron made his movie worse by adding something (shitty intrusive music and the worst, most derivative jump-scare shot in a high budget film in years) that would make stupid people like it more so it would sell more tickets to make more money.

When you think about it,
the worst film of 2013 is

I'm in that mythical middle ground of MoS appreciation.
Liked it, don't feel like re-watching it.

Agreed. Critics love tearing up a film for the sin of product placement, but no one's made much of Cuaron's concession that he only added heavy scoring to Gravity, despite his belief that it worked better w/o music, because he figured audiences, especially international audiences ($ka-ching$), needed it to follow

Bling Ring

There are tons of images in Moore's book in which background images/text/graffiti/headlines look like indecipherable gibberish "[scribble-line-scribble-line]," presumably because hi-def drawing & inking didn't exist back then. The pages were too small and the mass printing process precluded too much tiny detail.

The movie subverts all sorts of stereotypes & societally palatable expectations. We're clearly supposed to be disgusted & disturbed when the lesbian couple is slaughtered for no reason; that's an indication that the movie is decidedly *not* anti-gay.

Was Ozymandias really the antagonist, though? He was kinda proved right at the end, and he was regarded as the smartest, most successful person in the world.