
This was episode 2.  Settle down.

This is now by far my favorite network show, even though I had not-high expectations and even though I've hated the majority of the Marvelverse movies and even though we should all have superhero fatigue.

"I am the one who cockblocks!"

Yes, absolutely.

Nah, I'm having a good time.

This episode was fabulous.

@avclub-e0d88e2e3f2cedb469ceda2f11315b22:disqus  If I agree with you on most points, then will you agree with me that the show deserves a string of B's & C's, and not so many A's?

@avclub-e518bd2cbcb8bcb7fec32b67d3defd2e:disqus  Yeah but in the same show where we were asked to groove along with Walt's tapping of the very hardware of Hank's DEA chief office 
(remember when he pretended to cry about marital problems in order to get Hank out of the office to get coffee or whatever when he plugged

Don't you compare a good-ish tv show to multiple cinema classics, 
and don't you suggest I'll ever be a reality tv viewer.

No, I do conform to a reality, even a partially-fictitious reality that is based in real reality, 
but none of that makes much sense if you suddenly tell me in a realistic-ish show's penultimate episode that the DEA doesn't maintain backdoor or back yard security at the home of the presumed-conspirator-collaborator

Yeah, it's a stupid, wrongly too-limiting word, and I'm lazy for using it.  But you know what I meant there, hopefully.

She has the means & the dollars to go international, and she has international awareness & connections; 
she could jet to freedom & anonymity if she really wanted to.

Still watching, and why would they go out of their way to kill Jesse's ladyfriend?  What kind of retarded-ass criminal crew does things that accomplish nothing except bring extra attention to themselves and risk themselves being caught?  Retarded-ass stereotypical L.A. gangs, that's who, but this show purports to be

Watching it now, and I paused to complain about the utter stupid nonsense of the Todd crew's ninja home invasion.



"The only thing that can stop a Superman with a headlock 
is a good guy with a gun."

I see you, Mr. Handlen.


Way more than one issue with the show, @greased_scotsman:disqus .  There's still way too much babbling during moments when there should be action or silence, and Walt is the only person who sees the virtues (finally!) of the "take the money & run" ethos, which he literalizes unto an obstinate wife & son before the