
You're not even at the best part yet!

Zero Dark Thirty would have been a good movie if Scott Adkins had been unleashed & allowed to do his signature spin kicks.




You'll have to watch to find out!




I would love to see some more liberal-bashing satire.  Anyone wants to step up to the plate and make that happen, great.

I would love to see some more liberal-bashing satire.  Anyone wants to step up to the plate and make that happen, great.

It's a casting statement on the philosophy of the Universal Soldier universe, part of the meta-theme of the very existence of the UniSol movie franchise itself — 
you can't kill Dolph (He regenerates.) and you can't kill this series of newly awesome movies.

Don't worry, comparing the 2 Hyams UniSol movies is like comparing Radiohead's Ok Computer vs. Kid A or In Rainbows.

B+ is precisely the correct grade for Day of Reckoning.

Until the right comes up with somebody more clever than the recently brain-damaged Mamet, Miller, & Jackson to refute pro-left anti-right satire, my side has the right to be condescending.

Until the right comes up with somebody more clever than the recently brain-damaged Mamet, Miller, & Jackson to refute pro-left anti-right satire, my side has the right to be condescending.

The world has been rewarded, by this film & by Noel Murray's lovely letter lead to a rightly rousing review (which you shouldn't read until after seeing the movie).


For one thing, fuel-efficient cars are also ultra low-emissions, so they not only use less gas (a conservation-economic win) but pump out less pollution via the exhaust (environmental win).  If more people drove these things, it absolutely would make a difference and shame on anyone for dismissing this obvious truth.

For one thing, fuel-efficient cars are also ultra low-emissions, so they not only use less gas (a conservation-economic win) but pump out less pollution via the exhaust (environmental win).  If more people drove these things, it absolutely would make a difference and shame on anyone for dismissing this obvious truth.