
Well, I thought this episode was mad funny.  I don't get the negativity just because 2 or 3 of the jokes missed.  And covering "preppers" right now is relevant & topical.

I honestly believe AV Club has handled the The Simpsons thing with extreme restraint.



You wanna fight me?




@Stl_Bob:disqus , good point.  "Slow Jams" has KW's best verse ever, IMO; it's above-average funny/clever.



Right, @Gorfious:disqus .

"Let’s face it: The reason we watch this show is because we like the central three characters and the actors playing them. . ."

That's incorrect, simplistic, & unfair, @avclub-753d0c1b60cc9f7b9717d40dac01a96e:disqus .

Other favorite boasts:

That's entirely the point, @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus .  It *is* a crusade… by the Kanye-loving establishment.

Put yourself in one of those critics' shoes.  
How would you like it if esteemed critics, professional taste-makers, and radio DJs nationwide insisted to you in article after article, year-end list after year-end list, that someone you thought was a shitty-to-mediocre musician was, like, one of the greatest things

I don't follow his celebrity at all.  He did the Taylor Swift-Beyonce thing, 
he found a mic and said something about Prez Bush that one time, 
he & Jay-Z like to brag about money in the same breath they compare themselves to great civil rights leaders, 
and he has horrible taste in eyewear.  
That's all I know about his

Yeah, Kanye feels like a horrible punishment on the genre, though that's not all his fault.  I wish I could do a It's a Wonderful Life scenario, go back in time in an alternate Kanye-less world, and see how the rap game would be without his stupidity & wackness infiltrating so much of the music I love.
