
To some extent, I accepted the lack of intervention/interest from the rest of the world as part of the point. Because it's kind of parable about a displaced people, I'm willing to buy that in the world of the film the aliens are invisible and not anybody else's problem. It makes sense in the world of the film, even if

The entire premise seems deliberately minor. As if they said, "Well, let's not mess with ending of the original by taking those characters someplace different. It's less risky if we just fill in backstory." It feels like a straight-to-video story. I guess it's fine to have a more modest goal, but yeah, it is hard to

You can't tell me that Goofy and Donald don't have mental disabilities. That's part of the fun!

I liked A Bug's Life. By no means would  I put it above Toy Story 2 or Monsters Inc., but it's a charming movie with a lot of great comic moments. It doesn't have the emotional undercurrent of some of the other Pixar films and its not thematically terribly deep, but sure as hell prefer it to Cars.

I can only assume you haven't met a lot of 48 year olds. Do you live in the movie Logan's Run, by any chance?

*Cuts off 7 fingers in a misguided attempt to check calculation.*

It's a free ticket onto the cast of Grown-ups 3!

*Crouches behind punch table, masturbating.*

"We finally made paintball cool again" sounded like a line straight out of a crappy Community spec script written by a friend who should be gently but firmly encouraged to pursue another line of work.

Sidney Greenstreet was a better actor than Shakespeare. There, I said it. God, that was freeing!

Sometimes clichés are only clichés because they're absolutely right.

Really a beautiful play. I mean, I love R&GAD, too, but Arcadia is kind of perfect.

My understanding is the show was actually tailored for Dusku who had a deal in place with Fox—although Whedon may have had that idea rolling around his head for some time. She just doesn't come close to having the range to pull that character off, particularly when you put her next to someone like Gjokaj who


No, Francois, let that one go. He has spirit! One day, he might be vice president.

It certainly feels like that. The thing about them is that often really did seem to prize weirdness for its own sake, but it didn't come across to me as indulgent or smug. Even the sketches that were more weird than outright funny seemed to contribute to this odd, wonderful little world they were creating.

SLINGS AND ARROWS. And this is coming from someone who loved NEWSRADIO.

I'm loathe to pick a favorite, but "My Pen!" is up there on the top for me.

I'm another one who tires of the emphasis on the Doctor as the lonely, tragic god figure. Although that totally started on RTD's watch. While RTD might have been a little bit arch about it, in Voyage of the Damned he has the Doctor been borne into the air in a Christ-like pose by a pair of angels for godsake. Not to

That scene really is brilliant. One of the things I love about it is that it's so revealing about their characters and yet it's just as genuinely about the play and what they're doing on stage. Everything convergences so perfectly.